University Police
Call Type: Accident
Monday 8:15 a.m., Holt Hall
A car was reported hit last Thursday, Aug. 23, inside Parking Structure 2 on the third floor.
Call Type: Theft
Monday 9:39 a.m., Lassen Hall Dormitory
A green single-speed mountain bike was taken from a residence hall bike rack.
Call Type: Suspicious Person
Monday 9:40 a.m., University Village on W. Sacramento Ave.
A female in a blue dress was reportedly disoriented, not knowing where she is.
Call Type: Stolen Vehicle
Monday 3:26 p.m., Parking lot at W. 2nd St. and Hazel St.
Reporting party parked their 2018 white Toyota Camry at 8 a.m. and the vehicle is no longer in the area.
Call Type: Camping/Lodging Complaint
Tuesday 11:22 a.m., Bridge at Continuing Education on West 1st Street.
Reporting party advised female with blanket possibly sleeping under bridge. The juvenile was given ride to their mother’s house and released to mother.
Call Type: Accident
Tuesday 12:14 p.m., Parking Structure 2 on Normal Ave.
A car was hit inside the parking structure.
Chico Police
Call Type: Refusing to Leave
Monday 6:50 a.m., 200 W. 14 St.
Female transient locked herself in the bathroom and refused to leave.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Monday 10:05 a.m., 800 Rancheria Dr.
Male with no shoes appeared to be breaking into the front door of an apartment.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Wednesday 8:35 a.m., 900 Esplanade and W. Sacramento Ave.
Male observed checking bike locks on bike rack located on the corner of Esplanade and W. Sacramento Ave.
Call Type: Suspicious Circumstances
Thursday 11:41 a.m., 1100 Viceroy Dr.
Reporting party observed landlord looking through windows of residence and taking pictures.
Call Type: Suspicious Vehicle
Thursday 1:24 p.m., Pine St. and 9th St.
Female was observed driving stolen truck through alley.