Chico PD:
Call Type: Residential Burglary with no Force
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, 5:34 p.m. West 19th St./Normal Ave.
Call Type: Driving Without a License
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, 10:49 p.m. West 1st AVE/Citrus Ave.
A 19-year-old was pulled over and found to have had no proof of a driver’s license or registration upon request. They were initially pulled over for driving at night without their headlights being on.
Call Type: Misdomenor Warrant
Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 1:34 a.m. 2500 Block of Notre Dame Blvd.
A 35-year-old had a warrant sent out for his arrest for a misdemeanor outside agency. Their bail is set at $25,000.
Call Type: Felon Possession of Tear Gas with intent to buy/sell
Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 3:09 a.m, 800 Block of East Ave.
A 49-year-old man woman was found with unlawful paraphernalia. She was also found with illegal tear gas with an intent to buy/sell. Her bail is set at $13,000.
Call Type: Petty Theft
Thursday, Oct. 24th, 6:47 p.m. 2400 Block of Notre Dame Blvd.
A 25-year-old transient was caught shoplifting merchandise.
Call Type: Vehicle Theft
Thursday, Oct. 24th, 12:40 p.m. 1400 Block of Humboldt Rd.
A 58-year-old was arrested for stealing a car and his bail is set for $15,000.
Call Type: Driving Under the Influence
Friday, Oct. 25th, 3:01 a.m. 1200 Block Nord Ave.
A 26-year-old was arrested for drinking over the legal limit of 0.08% while driving. Their bail is set at $10,000.
Call Type: Warrant for Arrest
Friday, Oct. 25th, 2:43 p.m. 2400 Block of Forest Ave.
A 57-year-old woman had a warrant for her arrest sent out for a misdemeanor outside agency.
Call Type: Strong Arm Robbery
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 2:14 p.m. 1900 Block East 20th St.
A 23-year-old man was arrested for threatening and kidnapping his spouse. He was additionally charged with intent to terrorize and for inflicting corporal injury on his spouse. He also attempted to give false identification to the arresting police officer. His bail is set for $218,000.
Call Type: Misdemeanor Possession of a Controlled Substance
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1:22 a.m., Park Ave/West 21 St.
A 50-year-old man was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of unlawful paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance in jail/prison/etc.
Call Type: Injury Hit and Run
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 3:19 p.m. 1400 Block Humboldt Rd.
A 43-year-old woman struck a pedestrian and sped off, leaving them injured in the process.
Call Type: Driving while Under the Influence
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 12:44 a.m. West 3rd St./Normal Ave.
A 19-year-old was found driving over the legal limit with alcohol in your system. She was also charged with driving without a license and being under the legal age to drink. Her bail is set at $12,000.
University PD
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Thursday, Oct. 24th 12:44 a.m. 429 Ivy St.
An 18-year-old was arrested for being drunk in public. He was also in possesion of false identification and he attempted to use this false identification on the arresting officer.
Call Type: Disorderly Conduct
Friday, Oct. 25th, 12 a.m. 421 Warner St.
Chico Police got a call of a man who was drunk and bothering other people. A 32-year-old attempted to use false identification and he was also charged with a probation violation misdemeanor.
Call Type: DUI
Friday, Oct. 25th,2:45 a.m. 521 Legion Ave.
A 20-year-old man was pulled over and arrested for driving over the legal limit while also being a minor. He attempted to use a false ID on the arresting officers.
Call Type: DUI
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 2:45 a.m. Warner St/La Vista Way
A 32-year-old woman was arrested for driving over the legal limit and she was also charged with possesion of narcotics.
Call Type: Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 11:35 p.m. West 3rd St/Ivy St.
A citation was issued for a 20-year-old in possesion of alcohol.
Call Type: Burglary
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 12 a.m. West Sacramento Ave/Esplanade
A 24-year-old was booked for burglary, possesion of a firearm by a felon, violating parole, making others liable and for being in possesion of less than $950 of stolen property.
Ricardo Tovar can be reached at [email protected] or @rtovarg13 on Twitter.