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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Gayle Hutchinson presents information during her presidential address in the Performing Arts Center at Chico State.

Gayle Hutchinson reports enrollment shortage and new Camp Fire database

Kimberly Morales // February 5, 2020

Chico State President Gayle Hutchinson addressed crucial information currently facing the university during her State of the University Address. This included information on the university’s budget,...

Chico State responding to the Chico State Young Republicans and protest on Wednesday. Photo credit: Ricardo Tovar

Young Republicans and protestors clash, three criminal charges filed

Danielle Kessler, Melissa Joseph and Ricardo Tovar // November 20, 2019

On Wednesday, tensions rose to an all-time high as students began protesting outside the Chico State College Republicans table following a physical altercation that happened on Tuesday in front of Butte...

The Campfire Remembrance Ceremony was held at Paradise Alliance Church and it was full to capacity with townsfolk. Photo credit: Julian Mendoza

Town of Paradise gathers for Camp Fire remembrance ceremony

Ricardo Tovar and Julian Mendoza // November 17, 2019

Paradise Alliance Church was packed with townsfolk affected by last year's Camp Fire. Food and games were provided from 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. when the ceremony began.Residents gathered for a tribute and...

Tobacco Ban has health benefits

Tobacco Ban has health benefits

August 21, 2017

Chico State has become a smoke and tobacco-free campus. The change happened on Aug. 17 so that the campus would comply with a system-wide executive order signed by Chancellor White in April. Some campus...

President Gayle Hutchinson. Photo courtesy of Chico State.

President Hutchinson’s first 100 days

Daniel Wright // February 21, 2017

Chico State President Gayle Hutchinson has concluded her 100-day listening tour. President Hutchinson came to Chico State in July of last year, and in the first 100 working days that followed, she conducted...

President Gayle Hutchinson speaks about diversity at Chico State during a black lives matter teach-in. Photo credit: Jovanna Garcia

President Hutchinson talks campus improvements at open forum

Molly Sullivan // October 28, 2016

President Gayle Hutchinson discussed strengths, challenges and avenues for investment at the last open forum of her listening tour Oct. 24 in the Performing Arts Center. President Hutchinson has met with...

Photo credit: John Domogma

Labor Day means high-enforcement weekend ahead

Bianca Quilantan // September 2, 2016

If University Police Department Chief John Feeney were a betting man, he would bet his money on more than one or two calls of people under the influence of alcohol this weekend.Labor Day weekend is approaching...

Tammi Fleet talks about how seeing Micheal Pratt's work inspired her to run for director of University Affairs. Photo credit: George Johnston

Director of university affairs-elect talks plans for Chico State

Amelia Storm and Michael Catelli // April 16, 2016

On Wednesday, April 13, Tammi Fleet was elected the new director of university affairs in the Associated Students government. Fleet sat down with The Orion to answer some questions and talk about her plans...

Photo credit: Dongyoung Won

Gayle Hutchinson is one of us

Jeff Guzman // March 28, 2016
President Zingg's successor has just been announced. Being the first female president for Chico and having a ton of history with the university, students have a lot to be excited about with Gayle Hutchinson.
Entering her presidency, Gayle Hutchinson faces challenges such as a divided campus. Photo courtesy of Chico State.

Newly selected president faces challenges

Eric Mcguire // March 17, 2016
Gayle E. Hutchinson is set to become Chico State's new president. She is being greeted with a warm welcome, but how will she overcome the many challenges ahead?
Gayle E. Hutchinson was named the new president of Chico State (Photo courtesy of Chico State).

Newly selected president discusses role at Chico State

After a secretive selection process, Dr. Gayle E. Hutchinson was named the new president of Chico State on March 9. Although she is joining the university after a vote of no confidence and amidst a potential...

Gayle E. Hutchinson is the first female president of Chico State. Photos courtesy of Chico State.

Chico State makes history with first female president and GSEC reacts

Elizabeth Castillo // March 9, 2016

One day after International Women’s Day, Dr. Gayle E. Hutchinson was appointed as the first female president of Chico State. “I think it’s great that we have a woman president now after 127 years,”...

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