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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico students pictured in front of the BMU, where the arrest was made. Photo taken by Bea Williams on Nov. 5, 2024.

Unidentified man arrested in BMU on theft warrant

Ellie Marty, Editor-in-Chief // January 30, 2025

An unidentified male was arrested Thursday morning in the Bell Memorial Union on theft-related charges, following a warrant for his arrest.  Two University Police Department officers were dispatched...

Eric Penrod, senior maintenance worker for the City of Chico, with two fresh street signs ready to replace a stolen set. Photo taken Sept. 14 by Molly Myers.

Street sign theft runs rampant in Chico 

Molly Myers, Managing Editor // October 6, 2023

Chestnut, Hazel, Ivy, Cherry and Orange. These are the names of the street signs stolen the most in Chico.  Eric Penrod, senior maintenance worker for the City of Chico, estimates that the city spends...

Photo courtesy of Michael Tran

Students and alum caught with Sinclair dinosaur

Mawil Mateo, Reporter // April 23, 2023

A group of Chico State students and one alum were caught with the Sinclair gas station dinosaur statue early Sunday morning by Chico Police. DINO, the name Sinclair Oil Corporation gives their mascot...

Photo of Holt Station, closure signs on the doors.

Holt Station closes following back-to-back thefts

Brykelle Lang, Reporter // April 6, 2023

Three thefts in two days, with suspects using the same tactics to steal product is prompting the closure of Holt Station to preserve student employee safety.  Holt Station only requires one person...

Police Blotter: Landscaper arrested on multiple firearm-related charges

Police Blotter: Landscaper arrested on multiple firearm-related charges

Ricardo Tovar // December 5, 2019

Chico PD: Call Type: Not Aggravated Assault Monday, Nov. 25th, 2:53 a.m., 1700 Block of Sheridan Ave. A 23-year-old man was arrested for not aggravated battery to his spouse and for causing...

36-year-old David Bowers and K9 Aron. Photo provided by Chico Police Department. Photo credit: Angelina Mendez

Pick and pull burglar identified as night prowler

Angelina Mendez // November 18, 2019

On the morning of Thursday, Oct. 31, Chico Police Department 2019 Patrol officers responded to a call regarding a burglary alarm going off at Pick and Pull, located at 397 East Park Ave, according to...

The location on the 3100 block of The Esplanade where a man was pursued and cornered by police.

Police corner man suspected of stealing partner’s vehicle

Angelina Mendez // October 29, 2019

Police pursued a man Sunday who was reported for stealing his girlfriend's car and driving under the influence. On Sunday afternoon, Chico Police Department (CPD) officers responded to a reported domestic...

Man tazed while singing and dancing in the street

Man tazed while singing and dancing in the street

Trenton Taylor // March 13, 2019

University PoliceCall Type: Camping ComplaintMonday, March 4, 9:07 a.m., Langdon Engineering CenterOne male and one female were reported sleeping in the hallway between Langdon and O’Connell. Subjects...

Man tazed while singing and dancing in the street

Man tazed while singing and dancing in the street

Trenton Taylor // March 12, 2019

University Police Call Type: Camping Complaint Monday, March 4, 9:07 a.m., Langdon Engineering Center One male and one female were reported sleeping in the hallway between Langdon and O’Connell....

Police Blotter

Police Blotter

Trenton Taylor // February 12, 2019

University PoliceCall Type: Elevator MalfunctionTuesday, Feb. 5, 6:04 p.m., Butte HallElevator #2 reported stuck on the first floor of Butte Hall. Door was partially open, but not enough for students inside...

Police Blotter: Indecent exposure, fraud and burglary

Police Blotter: Indecent exposure, fraud and burglary

Gordy Papalias // February 6, 2019

University Police Call Type: Disturbance Wednesday, Jan. 23, 3:19 p.m., Aymer Jay Hamilton Hall on Arcadian Avenue. Reporting party stated that a woman in a pink sweater beat her up two weeks...

Man lets evacuee stay for the night, woke up to car missing

Man lets evacuee stay for the night, woke up to car missing

Yaritza Ayon // December 12, 2018

Chico Police Call Type: ThreatsMonday 6:21 p.m., 200 Vail DriveReporting party states ex-boyfriend made a threat was going to kill her. Subject confronted reporting party as she left Kmart the night before.Call...

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