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The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Reflections on Chico State

Illustration by Miles Huffman

It’s been a interesting trip being a student at Chico State. I had come here initially as a cross-enrolled student from Butte College and learned that Chico State sets a higher standard for academic performance.

I learned to go to office hours. It helps to form relationships with members of the faculty, not to mention asking that question I was too embarrassed to ask in class. Unfortunately, I’ve been a little too busy this semester to visit former faculty.

I learned to take a risk. Not with my physical health and safety but by being honest in class, challenging ideas and joining in on retreats or other diversity events. It’s by standing out I got noticed.

I learned to get involved.

Whether that was as an intern for the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center, Para-professional for Student Organizations and Leadership Education or as a leader of a student organization such as M.A.D.E. Men. Having social connections helps with stress and provides a network for that little thing called job hunting.

I learned to put myself “out there.”

Whether that was speaking on a panel for the Gender & Sexuality Equity Center or other programs, giving presentations on being HIV positive in a classroom or giving a speech at the president’s Student Leader Reception those experiences connected me to the campus community and vice versa.

Don’t be afraid to stand out. There’s usually only one round of undergraduate education so make the most of it.

Joseph Rogers can be reached at [email protected] or @JosephLRogers1 on Twitter.

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