Chico Police
Call Type: Suspicious Circumstance
Sunday, 4:28 p.m., 141 W. 5th St.
The reporting party said that another woman approached her and asked for $5. When the woman refused to give her the money, she came at her.
Call Type: Assault/Battery
Sunday, 7:27 p.m., 1460 Humboldt Rd.
A man was driving past a protest stopped his vehicle and told a protester “black lives matter.” The man replied back with “all lives matter.”
Call Type: Found Property
Monday, 8:39 a.m., 246 Broadway St.
A homeless woman was inside the business bothering employees by throwing her purse at them.
Call Type: Assault/Battery
Monday, 2:28 p.m., Avante Way
A man reported that another man hit him in the face with a stick when he was trying to sell a laptop to the suspect. They met at Safeway and the man entered a suspicious building with the suspect who wanted to exchange for marijuana.
Call Type: Trial Restraining Order Violation
Tuesday, 12:01 p.m., 420 Maple St.
A man says that a female broke his restraining order with her. She approached him and said “you’ve been served.” The woman threw papers at him for a family order.
Call Type: Domestic Dispute
Tuesday, 1:56 p.m., St. Michael Ct.
An ex-boyfriend became upset with his ex-girlfriend and threatened to hit her and drive his car through the her house.
Call Type: Refusing to Leave
Wednesday, 12:32 a.m., 166 E. 2nd St.
A woman refused to leave Woodstock’s when she shouted that she was a Nazi and tried to enter the employee work area. The woman was shouting explicit language at employees and constantly returning to the business.
Call Type: Domestic Violence
Wednesday, 6:29 a.m., Henshaw Ave.
A man was sitting on top of a pregnant woman, claiming that the woman was assaulting him. He was not comfortable letting her go, even though she was in pain.
Call Type: Drunk in Public
Thursday, 1:02 p.m., 199 Leora Ct.
A man was seen walking through the park yelling “who wants to have sex.” He was last seen walking through the baseball field toward the stadium lot.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Thursday, 9:51 p.m., 241 W. East Ave.
A group of homeless men were seen masturbating behind the pillar at Baskin Robbins. When the men were approached by police they were hiding under blankets.
University Police
Call Type: Vandalism
Saturday, 6:31 a.m., Langdon Engineering Center
A vending machine was tipped over in the hall.
Call Type: Vandalism
Sunday, 6:29 p.m., Langdon Engineering Center
A candy vending machine was tipped over on the ground causing the plastic to break while graffiti was written all over it.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Monday, 9:07 a.m., Bell Memorial Union
A bystander noticed a man dressed in camo muttering to himself about guns.
Call Type: Alarm
Tuesday, 2:06 a.m., X Lot
A car activated an alarm after a train passed by.
Call Type: Transient Call
Wednesday, 7:07 p.m., Physical Sciences Building
A homeless woman was taking trash from the janitors and nearby restrooms, only to throw it around in the lobby.
Call Type: Suspicious Subject
Thursday, 1:26 p.m., Siskiyou Hall
Four men were seen getting ready to jump into the creek. They were last seen walking towards Butte Hall.
Jafet Serrato can be reached at [email protected] or @jafetserrato on Twitter.