Rouse and Revolt’s billboard compares President Trump to Hitler

The advertisement was placed on billboard Wednesday. Screenshot image.

Rouse and Revolt, a business in downtown Chico, was forced to take down its advertising billboard Thursday morning after receiving criticism for comparing President Trump to Adolf Hilter.

Chico Electric filed to remove the neighboring billboard. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

The billboard was located at the intersection of East 3rd Avenue and Mangrove above Liberty Income Tax. The tax business didn’t comment on whether or not the billboard affected its sales.

The store is located at 225 Main St. Photo credit: Jacqueline Morales

Rouse and Revolt’s use of political advertising received both praise and criticism on social media.

Many locals went out to support the business at the billboards location. Facebook screenshot.
Store comments
Many did not agree with the company’s use of political advertising. Screenshot.

Chico Electric, which had an advertisement billboard right next to Rouse and Revolt filed for approval to have both advertisements taken down. Rouse and Revolt’s owner, Nicholle Haber plans to file a lawsuit against Stott Outdoor Advertising owner, Jim Moravec, for approving the removal of the advertisement and violating the First Amendment.

Many supporters of Rouse and Revolt came out to express their thoughts and support to the business.

Jacqueline Morales
can be reached at [email protected] or @jackie_theorion Twitter