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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

All content by Amanda Irons

Imagining a library for the Internet era

Amanda Irons
December 17, 2013
Shifting the focus from book storage to modern study spaces.

Step up your bike game, Chico

Amanda Irons
December 9, 2013
Cyclists need to obey the rules of the road
Amanda Irons

Limiting liquor licenses downtown

Amanda Irons
December 6, 2013
Cracking down on liquor licenses is hurting the city of Chico.
Don’t sweat your mid-college freakout

Don’t sweat your mid-college freakout

Amanda Irons
December 1, 2013
Contemplated switching majors? Switching schools? Do you lay awake at night wondering if you are doing college the right way? If you said yes to any of these questions, you may be having a mid-college crisis.
Amanda Irons

New ordinance is a quick fix

Amanda Irons
November 22, 2013
Ordinance introduced on Tuesday, Nov. 5 may only be a short-term solution to the homeless problem.

Stressed? Why not try a few random acts of kindness

Amanda Irons
November 19, 2013
Pay it forward, someone may really need it today.

What happens to the percent?

Amanda Irons
November 15, 2013

The Orion released an article on Wednesday titled, “Waiting for Room,” about the scope of impact surrounding the nursing program at Chico State. The article details how only 40 students are...

Give Greek life a second glance

Amanda Irons
November 11, 2013

My freshman year I lived in Whitney Hall on the sixth floor, the all-girls floor. When rush week rolled around in the spring, it seemed like everyone was brimming with excitement. That is, everyone...

Amanda Irons

Real talk about fake food

Amanda Irons
November 8, 2013
"Real food" campaign will improve food at Sutter Dining Hall.
Amanda Irons

Registration: The good, the bad and the ugly

Amanda Irons
November 4, 2013

As registration for next semester comes to a close, let us reflect on how painful it is to create a class schedule. Entire novels could be written about the difficulty of booking a seat in one of...

Tip of the hat to the A.S. Moonlight Safety Walk

Amanda Irons
November 2, 2013
Volunteers and A.S. made significant strides in making Halloween a safer weekend.

Police gear up for Halloween night

Amanda Irons
November 1, 2013
Police prepare to crack down on crime.
Stop the stigma: Depression in college

Stop the stigma: Depression in college

Amanda Irons
October 29, 2013
Depression is a mental medical state, not a simple emotion to be left alone
Scantily-clad women, strut without shame

Scantily-clad women, strut without shame

Amanda Irons
October 20, 2013

To quote the cinematic extension of my existence that is “Mean Girls,” “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” For...

Un-social media desensitizes life

Un-social media desensitizes life

Amanda Irons
October 14, 2013
Unplug and enjoy the life around you.
Life experiences continue well after your youth

Life experiences continue well after your youth

Amanda Irons
October 7, 2013

“You are only young once!” A phrase I’ve grown to loath. As college students, I feel as if we are constantly bombarded with this ideology that you must act now. You must go out and see...

Amanda Irons

Professors should speak up about the shutdown

Amanda Irons
October 4, 2013
Professors should apply the news of the government shutdown to relevant course material.
Illustration by Liz Coffee

Kill drug indifference

Amanda Irons
September 29, 2013
You only live once, so party wisely.

Opening up: BMU renovations

Amanda Irons
September 28, 2013
The changes that are to come in the Bell Memorial Union renovations.
Illustration by Liz Coffee

Millions giving Miley Cyrus publicity she craves, ‘and she won’t stop’ her behavior

Amanda Irons
September 24, 2013
If you had asked me what I thought about Miley Cyrus two years ago, I’d likely bring up Hannah Montana and a lackluster singing career. But since the airing of Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus’ performance of “Blurred Lines” during the MTV Video Music Awards, people often affiliate a whole new set of images with...
Amanda Irons

Leave Miss America alone

Amanda Irons
September 20, 2013
A reminder of why the United States is referred to as the melting pot.
Illustration by Liz Coffee

Chico needs its horse cops back

Amanda Irons
September 18, 2013
I miss the horse cops. I know the funding for one horse cop is equivalent to three patrol officers, and I acknowledge that the city’s in financial trouble, but that’s beside the point. Bumbling around downtown, gracelessly approaching a mounted officer and inquiring if you can pet their gallant stead is textbook Chico. Freshman and...
Amanda Irons

We need more horse cops…or just any cops

Amanda Irons
September 13, 2013
Amanda Irons is one of our daily bloggers and weekly columnist for the print edition.
Punishing drunk students only puts them in danger

Punishing drunk students only puts them in danger

Amanda Irons
September 10, 2013
Students should be encouraged to return to the safety of their dorms.
Amanda Irons

RIP Labor Day float

Amanda Irons
September 9, 2013
Amanda Irons is the Tuesday blogger for and weekly columnist for The Orion's print edition.

Street graffiti disrespectful, triggers memories of assault

Amanda Irons
September 7, 2013
Shocking spray-painted crosses do more bad than good.

Hometown friendships dwindle as time passes

Amanda Irons
August 31, 2013
Drifting farther apart from high school peers as college progresses.

Online dating expands to pockets

Amanda Irons
August 31, 2013
A dating app starts to take the place of online dating.