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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Apple is losing innovation

Jeff Guzman and Briana Mcdaniel
September 22, 2016

Many people don’t know this, but Apple was the first company to bring the mouse to modern computers. Apple is also responsible for changing the music industry when they released the iPod, making...

Photo credit: Madison Holmes

FBI vs. Apple: Privacy concerns without concern

Sean Daly
April 27, 2016
Multiple lawsuits dropped by the FBI against Apple have followed their discovery of how to hack into information stored on iPhone devices. This conflict rages between two groups who say they want what's best for citizens, but really don't.

Chico Police Department create a new application for community

Carly Plemons
October 1, 2015
Chico Police Department has a new app coming out for faster access for service and connections
Illustration by Miles Huffman

Emoji emotions

Miles Inserra
April 27, 2015
Rudimentary emojis really push my buttons. Time for an upgrade.
Jamie Fenisey, junior psychology major, and Austin Shankle, junior marketing major, compare the pros and cons of a smart phone versus a traditional phone. Photo credit: Nick Bragg

Is your phone controlling your life?

Nick Bragg
April 17, 2015
The dominance of smartphones among millennials is unquestionable, but some choose to remain unencumbered and use candy bar or flip phones.
Illustration by Miles Huffman

Tinder ignites casual sex, burns down thrill of chase

Miles Inserra
February 23, 2015
The matchmaking phone app has blown up on college campuses during the past few years, but the appeal has become strictly sexual.
Illustration by Rachel Dugo

People place too much value in possessions

Matt Murphy
September 16, 2014
Buying the latest stuff feels great, but ultimately leaves me feeling empty.

Differences between children now and children ten years ago

Prin Mayowa
March 4, 2014
Kids are growing up faster and with more privilege than ever before.
Siri, show how iOS7 makes life easier

Siri, show how iOS7 makes life easier

Kayla Smith
September 23, 2013
Make the most out of the latest Apple software update.