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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Liquor store abundant in Chico

Illustration by Adriana Macias Photo credit: Adriana Macias
Illustration by Adriana Macias Photo credit: Adriana Macias

It seems that no matter what street you live on— near or around campus— there’s a liquor store on the corner. They are like Starbucks in Seattle.

From what I could find using Google Maps, there are nearly 20 liquor stores surrounding Chico State, with multiple liquor stores I’m familiar with that didn’t make the list.

The list also does not include grocery stores, convenience stores and gas stations.

As I walk out my front door— located on West Third and Ivy streets— in hopes of getting a Torpedo six pack from my local liquor store, I have to decide whether I walk left or right down West Third Street.

I have the choice between two liquor stores within a three-block radius, which I simply walk to every time. Back home in San Diego, I’d have to hop in my car and drive five minutes, which makes it really hard to continue the fun once it has begun.

Oh, we ran out of alcohol and probably shouldn’t drink more? Let’s crawl to the liquor store right down the street and regrettably spend more money on more alcohol.

If you live near Nord Avenue or Walnut Street, take a nice stroll to Ray’s or Star Liquor. Living within the C.H.I.C.O. streets between Second and streets, you routinely head to Fifth and Ivy Liquor, or even Ray’s. Out in the back between Seventh and 12th streets? A.B.C. Liquor has what you need.

There is no denying that this abundance of liquor stores is directly related to us college students. Besides many of the strange characters you can find walking the streets of Chico, we are the primary consumers and supporters of these stores.

Whether that signifies something to you, so be it. Chico State does carry the party reputation and if you hang out with the right people, you can live up to that reputation. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the plentiful number of liquor stores easily accessible.

I know for a fact is has something to do with the huge areas of housing simply rented out to us college kids, but that’s a different story.

So, I wonder if these liquor stores weren’t so close to so many of us, within a few minutes of walking, would most of us still find ourselves rocking side to side as we stand with friends?

And the answer is yeah, probably, because the bars in Chico are kick-ass and just as abundant.

Ryan Tubbs can be reached at [email protected] or @theorion_news on Twitter.

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  • A

    Agustin // Dec 7, 2015 at 9:54 pm

    The one single thing that rules it all is profit. Liquor stores are not charities, they exist to make money. But we already know that, the customer is there looking for fun so the supplier will provide without regrets. Why is it so hard to see how our society is ruled? Money-Power-Fun Aren’t we all after it?
