Two Chico residents were arrested by the Chico Police Department on Friday for car vandalism and making threatening statements with graffiti.
According to police, the two individuals smashed the window of a parked car on 800 Pomona Ave.
They also made a threat on a wall next to the car door they smashed.
“We found fresh graffiti on an adjacent wall that read “187 PC,” which is the California Penal Code for murder. Gangs commonly use the code in graffiti to make threats,” said a Chico Police Department officer.
The men were taken into custody on Friday night. The Police Department was able to identify the two suspects and arrest them.
They were taken to Juvenile Hall and Butte County Jail, where they will face a gang enhancement.
Hannah Suzuki can be reached at [email protected] or @HannahSuzuki22 on Twitter.