Chico States Bike Cart held a live auction to help raise money for funding. Over 50 bikes were donated from the Chico State Police Department and people on campus.
“It’s a good thing to come and get great bikes for a cheap price,” said Tanner Lyon, manager of the Chico State Bike Cart.
The Bike Cart hosted this event on April 2 to help with their funding, give back to students and offer nice bikes for a low price.
Last year the bike cart made around $4,000 from the auction and used that to help fund their cart for the year.
The live auction began at 3 p.m. and the prices start at $15 and go up from there.
“Our main purpose is to help students who cannot afford to get a bike,” Lyon said.
Chico States Bike Cart will also be holding an event called “Fix a Flat Day” on April 16, where the one hundred students who come to the cart can get their flat fixed.
Katherine Feaster can be reached at [email protected] or @katfeaster on Twitter.