Students evacuate University Village due to fire initiated by a vape

A fire at University Village’s building two caused students to evacuate Thrudsay night. Photo credit: Michelle Zhu

Shortly before midnight on Thursday, a fire alarm cued students to evacuate University Village.

Resident Adviser Mitzi Felix immediately called for residents to enter the parking lot and subsequently initiated a phone call to the Chico Police Department.

The area wreaked of a burning smell and smoke was visibly exiting a wide open door.

At 11:42 p.m., Chico police arrived at the scene to check for injuries. Firefighters arrived soon after.

Captain of fire patrol Chuck Fry reported it was an accidental fire caused by a vape in the bathroom. The fire was extinguished upon the officials’ arrival.

No students were injured and were allowed back inside by midnight.

Michelle Zhu can be reached at [email protected] or @mmichellezhuu on Twitter.