Next Saturday Chicoans can participate in the 10th Annual Growing Healthy Children Walk and Run.
The no-cost walk/run tries to promote healthy lifestyles through nutrition and staying active.
Families can choose from a one-mile loop, 5K loop or short sprints for children. There will also be refreshments, music, and dancing.
Participating booths will offer nutritious samples, display vegetables from school gardens, and demonstrate exercises not requiring expensive equipment.
Organizations who want to become involved can fill out a registration form. Community members can also donate to help continue the mission of Growing Healthy Children.
The event will be held April 16 at Bidwell Park. Registration and check-in will be 7:15-8:30 a.m. The race begins at 8:30 a.m.
Michelle Zhu can be reached at @[email protected] or @mmichellezhuu on Twitter.