Goonfest X is an opportunity for NorCal talent to shine

Stage set up for Goonfest X before the show. Photo credit: Natasha Doron

On March 11, the popular 1078 gallery hosted the ‘Goonfest X’ show that had the audience up on their feet. Goonfest X is a series of shows put together by promoter and artist Schwog that are held in cities in Northern California.

Vallejo rapper, producer and singer Roy Ry is one artist that was featured. He first entered the music scene in 2011, writing and producing songs nonstop. “It’s been about 6 years since I’ve been serious with music,” Ry said. “I’ve been putting out CDs and getting my branding together.”

Last month, he released an album titled ‘Nutrients’.

Roy Ry performs at 1078 gallery during Goonfest X. Photo credit: Natasha Doron


”My album is called ‘Nutrients’ because there’s something for everyone,” Ry said. “Most of my material is hip hop, rap, pop and r&b. I just started doing live band shows, so I’m trying to get the acoustic part down.”

Before entering the studio Ry says that the chorus and verses of his songs have to be completed before composing anything.

“As I’m making the beat, halfway into the beat I would have the chorus down in my head,” he said. “Once the beat is finished and I have the chorus down, that’s when I lay the verses down. Everything is chronological and I’m not the type to just mess around and waste time in a studio.”

Ry believes the best part about Goonfest is how eclectic the artists are.

“Schwog was the one that helped me become a part of Goonfest. He’s been welcoming of me, as well as other talented artists of all genres,” he said. “Especially in a place like Chico, where the energy is always impeccable and music is really appreciated. No matter where you go, it’s always turnt to the max.”

Abstract Ninja performs at 1078 gallery during Goonfest X. Photo credit: Natasha Doron


Music goers at the show also had a lot to say about Goonfest.

“A lot of the lyrics were deep and meaningful,” said Chico state student Alex Lehardy, who is working on her teaching credential.

“The concert connected with me on a deep emotional level that I have yet to experience,” Lehardy said.

Interior architecture major Jason Snedeker thought the show had a lot to offer when it came to artistry.

“It was a very elaborate and intimate collaboration of artists that was memorable and inspiring,” Snedeker said.

Niyat Teferi can be reached at [email protected] or @theorion_arts on Twitter.