With A.S. elections rapidly approaching, the campus is slowly being overrun by signs.
The confident images of the candidates alongside clichéd mantras of unity actually do help students get elected. Not because they represent the policies or beliefs of the candidates, but because the elections are based on popularity.
Just like national and state elections, students will likely vote for the candidate that they know. Or worse, they will vote for the person who has the most signs on campus.
Voting is important, but it is secondary to knowing what students are voting for. Most Chico State students won’t attend the candidate forum to actually learn about their potential representatives.
The “we stand united” or “together we will rise” mottos that are plastered on every sign and tell the students nothing about the actual person who is running doesn’t help get the right candidate elected.
The officers elected will represent Chico State students in Kendall Hall and the State Capitol. The director of legislative affairs is a voting member of the California State Student Association, which means that person has a voice in how students will fight the tuition increase. How many students know that? Or took the time to find out?
The glorified popularity contest that chooses who represents the students should be taken more seriously. Being uneducated on what the positions that the candidates are running for do or what the people running stand for are the ways to get the wrong person elected.
The Orion editorial is a collaborative effort of the entire editorial board.