Students and alum caught with Sinclair dinosaur

Photo courtesy of Michael Tran

A group of Chico State students and one alum were caught with the Sinclair gas station dinosaur statue early Sunday morning by Chico Police. DINO, the name Sinclair Oil Corporation gives their mascot and statue, was stolen Saturday from the gas station located at the intersection of  W. Sixth Street and Walnut Street.   

Michael Tran, a Chico State alum, said he and his friends saw the dinosaur statue abandoned on W. Third Street while walking home Saturday night. 
A video posted on Instagram appears to show three people taking the stolen DINO further down the street.

“My friends and I went out to have some drinks and on our way back noticed the dinosaur sitting on the street. We went up to it and started taking pictures. We thought it would be cool to walk it across the street, and as we were carrying it the police stopped us,” Tran said.

DINO on a police truck and people under interrogation. Video courtesy of  Michael Tran.

Tran said he and his friends had nothing to do with taking the statue from the gas station.

“We just thought it would be cool to have it at our apartment complex and keep taking pictures with it,” Tran said.  

Tran said after a 10-minute interrogation, they were not charged by Chico PD. 

The Orion contacted Chico PD but did not receive an immediate response.

At this time, Sinclair has declined to comment.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available. 
Mawil Mateo can be reached at [email protected]