All content by Sophia Xepoleas
Holding the title of sex columnist came with some interesting quirks, and I'm not sure I would have it any other way.
Influences from our parents when growing up have more impact than we could ever imagine.
I believe we are approaching a pivotal time in American history and predict that millennials will be the leading force behind much-needed change.
The Orion's columnist explores the world of adult toys at a local sex shop.
We are a society of hypocrites when it comes to sex, and many are quick to point fingers at others for how they choose to go about it.
By no means am I a morning person, but there is one particular activity that will get me moving in the early hours of the day.
Maintaining balance while in a relationship can be tricky, but making the effort to keep your friends close is crucial for overall happiness.
Dating has changed drastically throughout the years, and with modern technology, the options for meeting people are endless.
Having breasts is great, but men have no idea what comes along with owning a pair of milk maidens.
Placing your feelings in the hands of another person can be absolutely terrifying, but you never know how good something can be if you don't take that chance.
When it comes to bringing sexy time into a house full of roomies, it can be a completely acceptable endeavor or a completely awkward scenario.
When to throw in the towel and accept that the paramour you are pining over doesn't feel the same way.
Some still feel stigma and shame surrounding pleasuring oneself, but it comes with several upsides.
One drink turns into two and next thing you know, you're in bed with the ghost of your sexual past. Was it worth it?
Picking up on people is a tricky matter, but who's to say there is a right or wrong way to go about it? It's all about delivery.
Not being in a relationship in college has its pros and cons, but it will definitely make for better stories down the road.
The fornication equation: two parts confidence, three parts comfort and a whole lot of lube.
My experiences have taught me invaluable lessons and shaped me into the person I am today.