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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Sean Shanks

Sean Shanks, Web Editor

Sean Shanks is in his second semester on The Orion. He is studying journalism because people’s stories are beautiful and accountability is awesome.

All content by Sean Shanks
The Government Affairs Committee brands itself as "the official voice for the students at Chico State," according to their website. Picture taken on Feb. 28, 2025 in Bell Memorial Union room 205.

AS committee to vote again on resolution to renounce CSU free speech policy

Sean Shanks and C. Nicholas Kepler
March 12, 2025

The Government Affairs Committee returns to the table Friday for a vote on a resolution to renounce the CSU systemwide Time, Place and Manner policy. The resolution denounces the largely unilateral...

This is the first time The Turner included an audio guide in an exhibition. Asian and Pacific Islander faculty, staff and students contributed to the guide. Art by Eunkang Koh.

Artist Kathy Aoki to perform Wednesday at The Turner Museum

Sean Shanks, Web Editor
March 1, 2025

The performance by Aoki will be held in The Turner gallery and is free for students and the public to attend. The exhibition currently on display is “In Focus: Asian American Artists at The Turner.” After...

Outside of the BMU

AS committee to vote Friday on resolution renouncing CSU free speech policy

Sean Shanks and C. Nicholas Kepler
February 26, 2025

The Government Affairs Committee will consider the resolution to renounce both the manner of implementation and the substance of the systemwide Time, Place and Manner policy. The resolution was proposed...

The event was often conversational, with presenters wanting to hear the opinions of everyone in attendance that was interested in speaking. Photo taken on Feb. 7 at BMU Auditorium at Chico State.

Chico state hosts symposium to further conversation regarding neurodiversity and disability services

Sean Shanks, Reporter
February 11, 2025

Around 500 educators, medical and mental health professionals, advocates, parents and neurodivergent and disabled individuals filled the BMU auditorium Friday for the Northern California Neurodiversity...

In Pyre the player is dropped into a crazy world of strange and wonderful characters. It is easy to become invested in the culmination of their stories.

Five older video games for when you need something different

Sean Shanks, Web Editor
January 22, 2025

There is no shortage of big-budget video games on the market these days. But even the latest AAA titles can feel a little stale at times. Thankfully, there have been plenty of lesser-known games throughout...

The location next to the creek and the park makes for wonderful views from the building. The nearby Bidwell Bowl is undergoing renovation as part of the project. Photo taken by Sean Shanks on Dec. 9.

Behavioral and Social Sciences building nears completion

Sean Shanks, Reporter
December 12, 2024

Classes are now being held in the new Behavioral and Social Sciences building while construction is being completed. Most of the work is done, but some issues persist as many small elements are still being...

Rachel Fictum performs an advanced jazz piece.

Chico State dance club to present entirely student-created showcase Saturday

Sean Shanks, Reporter
November 14, 2024

The Momentum Choreography Collective showcase of student-created dance pieces is Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m. in the Bell Memorial Union auditorium. Students choreograph, perform and direct all the dances,...

Jesus Tecolotecpatl changed into traditional Aztec garments to perform ritual dances. The origins of Dia de Muertos are traced back to ancient Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs and Mayans.

Jesus Tecolotecpatl changed into traditional Aztec garments to perform ritual dances. The origins of Dia de Muertos are traced back to ancient Mesoamerican cultures like the Aztecs and Mayans.

Jesus Tecolotecpatl delivered a passionate message to the crowd about the purpose and beauty of tradition. "With open hearts and open minds, we're asking our ancestors to come hang out with us for a bit," he said.

Jesus Tecolotecpatl delivered a passionate message to the crowd about the purpose and beauty of tradition. "With open hearts and open minds, we're asking our ancestors to come hang out with us for a bit,"...

Ofrenda is the Spanish name for the altars set up during Dia de Muertos festivities. They vary in size and how they are decorated depends on regional traditions. Images of saints or deceased loved ones are left at the altars, as well as various items connected to the dead to make them feel welcome and appreciated.

Ofrenda is the Spanish name for the altars set up during Dia de Muertos festivities. They vary in size and how they are decorated depends on regional traditions. Images of saints or deceased loved ones...

In terms of polling numbers, 3rd parties are always behind. Graphic was created on Oct 24 by Nadia Hill.

Third-party presidential politics: Pointless and potentially harmful

Sean Shanks, Reporter
November 2, 2024

Attempts by third-party candidates to inject themselves into the national political conversation have become fruitless. At best, they can mobilize some voters and bring increased awareness to certain issues....

The Dodgers from their time in Brooklyn, well before they got tired of getting pounded by the Yankees and moved across the country. The Yankees are 8-3 in the World Series against the Dodgers. Taken by Unknown photographer in 1913, available from Library of Congress.

Dodgers and Yankees World Series: The horror is nearly upon us

Sean Shanks, Features Reporter
October 20, 2024

Since 1981, the collective world of baseball has been spared the horror of watching the Dodgers and the Yankees play each other in the fall classic. Alas, the fall of our discontent is upon us as that...

A student battles to the end of a close match. The arcade emulator setup had four joysticks and thousands of games to choose from.

Retro PC gaming event welcomes Computer Animation and Game Development to new home

Sean Shanks, Features Reporter
October 12, 2024

The College of Communication and Education held an entertaining retro pc gaming event Thursday to welcome another program to their ranks. The dramatic, percussion-driven synth music of the Unreal Tournament...

A desk display of retro games and some of Tech Toss's donated technology in Gallery 1078, the Retro PC gaming event will be on Thursday in Tehama Hall. Photo provided by Dakota Rose.

Retro PC event will be 3 hours of pizza, snacks and gaming classics

Sean Shanks, Features Reporter
October 7, 2024

The College of Communication and Education, the Computer Graphics Club and nonprofit Tech Toss are all coming together Thursday for three hours of retro PC gaming. The event, held in Tehama 105 from...

The Cautious and the Curious, 2023, screenprint on fabric, Artist: Dadisi Curtis Jr.

‘Screenprint Biennial’ exhibit displays varied nature of screen print produced art

Sean Shanks, Features Reporter
October 2, 2024

The 10th anniversary exhibit of ‘‘The Screenprint Biennial,’’ based out of New York City, has made its only stop on the West Coast at Chico State’s Janet Turner Print Museum. The biennial...

Operation Lonestar, 2024, screenprint, Artist: J. Leigh Garcia

Operation Lonestar, 2024, screenprint, Artist: J. Leigh Garcia

Gemini Jug (1) and Gemini Jug (2), 2024, screenprint on Arnhem warm white, Artist: Myles Calvert

Gemini Jug (1) and Gemini Jug (2), 2024, screenprint on Arnhem warm white, Artist: Myles Calvert

Brain 1 and Brain 2, 2021, screenprint, Artist: The Little Friends of Printmaking

Brain 1 and Brain 2, 2021, screenprint, Artist: The Little Friends of Printmaking

There are over 60 blue light phones spread throughout campus and university housing. Chico State suggests students familiarize themselves with the different ways to report criminal behavior that are outlined in the 2024 Campus Safety Plan.

[Photo] Chico State publishes 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety reports

September 28, 2024

There are over 60 blue light phones spread throughout campus and university housing. Chico State suggests students familiarize themselves with the different ways to report criminal behavior that are outlined...

There are over 60 blue light phones spread throughout campus and university housing. Chico State suggests students familiarize themselves with the different ways to report criminal behavior that are outlined in the 2024 Campus Safety Plan.

Chico State publishes 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety reports

Sean Shanks, Reporter
September 28, 2024

Chico State recently published its Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports, as required by the Clery Act. It updates the crime statistics, specifically that which is required by the Clery law, with data...

“If you just want to challenge those harder thoughts, I hope this is a space that can help," said artist, Bailey James (pictured).

Una nueva exhibición de fotografía está actualmente en la Tercera Planta de la Galería

Sean Shanks, Reportero
September 22, 2024

La Tercera Planta de la Galería en el Bell Memorial Union está actualmente mostrando una exhibición de fotografía titulada “¿Qué pasaría si?” por la estudiante de último año de Chico State,...

Director Eli Goodsell's immediately focus is on the mental health of his staff as well as planning to mitigate further potential damage.

La Reserva Ecológica del Arroyo Big Chico enfrenta las secuelas del Incendio Park

Sean Shanks, Reportero
September 22, 2024

El Incendio Park es el más reciente y uno de los más grandes en lo que se está convirtiendo en una tendencia anual de crisis relacionadas con incendios forestales en California. Sin embargo, con cada...

Chico State's annual security report was audited. Image by Vitor Dutra Kaosnoff from Pixabay.

Chico State responde a la auditoría del Informe de Seguridad Anual 2023

Sean Shanks, Reportero
September 22, 2024

Chico State fue una de las seis universidades estatales de California auditadas por la Oficina del Auditor Estatal de California en relación con el Informe de Seguridad Anual más reciente de la universidad. El...

The exhibit is free for anyone to explore.

‘Unfolded: Seasons and Symbols of the Kimono’: A fascinating student-curated exhibit

Sean Shanks, Reporter
September 22, 2024

The tradition and cultural significance of Japanese kimono garments is the subject of an exhibit currently on display at the Chico State’s Anthropology Museum. Most of the kimonos in the exhibit came...

The design of the kimono changes depending upon the age of the wearer.

The design of the kimono changes depending upon the age of the wearer.

A delegation of students from Japan recently spent time discussing the exhibit with Dr. Nitzky.

A delegation of students from Japan recently spent time discussing the exhibit with Dr. Nitzky.

There is a wide variety of patterns and colors used in the fabric for kimonos.

There is a wide variety of patterns and colors used in the fabric for kimonos.

Certain color schemes are meant to be worn in a specific season.

Certain color schemes are meant to be worn in a specific season.

The exhibit includes some other Japanese artifacts, as well.

The exhibit includes some other Japanese artifacts, as well.

What if the person you needed all along was you?

A new photography exhibit is currently on display at Third Floor Gallery

Sean Shanks, Reporter
September 10, 2024

The Third Floor Gallery in the Bell Memorial Union is currently hosting a photography exhibit titled “What if?” by Chico State senior, Bailey James. The exhibit consists of photographs taken by...

Director Eli Goodsell's immediately focus is on the mental health of his staff as well as planning to mitigate further potential damage.

The Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve contends with the aftermath of the Park Fire

Sean Shanks, Reporter
September 9, 2024

The Park Fire is the latest, and one of the largest, in what is becoming a yearly trend of wildfire-related crises in California. Yet, with each crisis comes new opportunities to learn and to improve our...

There are over 60 blue light phones spread throughout campus and university housing. Chico State suggests students familiarize themselves with the different ways to report criminal behavior that are outlined in the 2024 Campus Safety Plan.

Chico State responds to audit of 2023 Annual Security Report

Sean Shanks, Reporter
September 9, 2024

Chico State was among six California State Universities audited by the California State Auditor’s Office regarding the university’s most recent Annual Security Report. The audit report, which used...