Welcome to the fourth installment of the Wildcat Rumble of the Spring 2019 semester. Sports editor Ricardo Tovar is joined by a debuting Matthew Ferreira. Ferreira is new to The Orion’s sports team and he is here, along with Tovar, to give his thoughts on Wildcat’s sports, the MLB season and NBA season. Cross-country runner Wyatt Baxter (5:10) talks about his All-CCAA Fall Academics in 2018.
Agree or disagree with anything? Share your thoughts in the comment section. And if we don’t see ya, see ya!
Be sure to listen to the other podcasts from The Orion and previous episodes of the Wildcat Rumble.
Ricardo Tovar and Matthew Ferreira can be reached at [email protected] or @rtovarg13 and @MattFerreira_ on Twitter.