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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Community leadership project aims to uplift Black youth 

C. Nicholas Kepler, Reporter
February 28, 2024

Brandon Trowel, executive assistant for Black Youth Leadership Project presented at the Victory in Unity Celebration, hosted by Chico State, on Sunday. Established in 1999 and incorporated in 2001,...

Meet our Alumni: Melody Gutierrez

Mawil Soluna, Reporter
November 28, 2023

Melody Gutierrez is a Chico State alumna who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. She’s now an investigative reporter for the Los Angeles Times, before working there she covered other...

Con Café: Jerry

Mawil Soluna, Reporter
November 26, 2023

En este episodio nos sumergimos en la vida de Gerardo “Jerry” Langarica. Un estudiante del programa de maestría de la Universidad Estatal de California Chico. Se graduó el semestre pasado recibiendo...

Con Café: El Profe

Mawil Soluna, Reporter
October 10, 2023

En este episodio nos sumergimos en la vida de Gerardo Mireles “El Profe.” Nombre que le pusieron en Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan programa estudiantil al cual asesora. Él ha sido profesor...

Campus parking then vs. now

Mawil Soluna, Reporter
October 9, 2023

Now a Chico State alumni, Kelly O’Connor published a video story on Sept. 10, 2008. The video shows how Kristin Siders drives through parking structures near campus but fails to find parking. With...

Chico State se ilumina con las Celebraciones del Día de la Independencia de América Latina

Mawil Mateo, Multimedia Editor
September 16, 2023

La universidad se ilumina de colores, sabores y sonidos para celebrar el día de la independencia de los países centroamericanos. El día 15 de septiembre de 1821, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador,...

Chico’s last big homeless encampment: Depot Park clear out

Molly Myers, Managing Editor
September 3, 2023

City officials cleared out the south side section of the Depot Park homeless encampment, Thursday.  The day before, Nathan Beakley, Chico State alumni and former Phi Kappa Tau president, sat at a light-colored...

man in black collared shirt in blue teal jeans sitting on a brick bench outside by greenery

Chico Person: Speech and Debate Coach Mark Faaita

Molly Myers, Editor-in-Chief
May 18, 2023 After...

The Orion Podcast: Walgreens, yerba mate and hazing

The Orion Podcast: Walgreens, yerba mate and hazing

Gabriela Rudolph and Alejandro Zepeda
April 26, 2023

In this weeks podcast, hosts Gabriela Rudolph and Alejandro Zepeda discuss different brands of yerba matte, the closing of Walgreens in California and recent hazing investigations at Chico State. Listen...

Combat Robotics at Chico State brings a medal home

Mawil Mateo, Reporter
April 19, 2023

American Institute of Mechatronic Engineers competed at Robogames, a yearly event hosted in Pleasanton California. “King crab” is the red robot AIME used at the competition to take out a couple of...

Tablets for $11 with free internet access for those who qualify

Mawil Mateo, Reporter
April 12, 2023

The center for Technology Equity And Inclusion partnered with Excess Telecom to give out tablets for $11.00 to anyone who’s part of a government program like CalFresh, Medi-Cal or is a Pell Grant recipient.  The...

The Orion Podcast: Chavez, BORGS and vulvas

The Orion Podcast: Chavez, BORGS and vulvas

Hosts Mawil Mateo, Molly Myers and Gabriela Rudolph were joined with Opinion Editor Hunter Casperson to talk about Cesar Chavez weekend, the meaning of BORGs, the difference between vulvas and vaginas...