Students outraged at proposed Adventure Outings budget annihilation

Wyatt Alpert

Adventure Outings supporters wearing green to show support for AO. Photographed by Wyatt Alpert April 7.

Adventure Outings, an Associated Students-run program at Chico State, is facing a budget cut to zero dollars, putting its future in jeopardy. The Associated Students Facilities Committee held a meeting April 7 discussing a proposed budget..

“The Adventure Outings program will sunset July 2023 in order to right-size the Student Union budget due to declined enrollment,” according to the ASFC 2023-2024 proposed budget.

The budget proposal has to go through two rounds of approval: one by the ASFC and one by the board of directors before it is enacted fully. Interim executive director of AS, Curtis Sicheneder, showcased the budget proposal and what’s likely to be enacted in the new school year.

“It is clear that the numbers I have shown you, reductions are required,” Sicheneder said. “I understand that people in the room have questions over which reductions. Well the consequences of this budget are unfortunate,” Sicheneder said.

The AO club has provided outdoor activities to Chico State for 39 years, said Chris Sortor, trip leader and student manager at AO. The trips include a variety of activities such as backpacking, kayaking and rock climbing. It has always been a student run organization.

The AO trips do cost money. The prices are subsidized to allow for college students to experience outdoor trips at a much lower cost than it would be to do so regularly. 

Club members are urging the committee to reconsider the budget cut and restore AO’s funding. Sorter said the club is vital for student’s mental and physical health, especially after years of pandemic isolation. He also said the club provides opportunities for students to learn new skills, build friendships and explore the outdoors.

The proposed budget cut shocked the AO community. The clubs’ leaders and members have been raising awareness about the proposed cut through social media campaigns, and urging supporters to contact committee members to express their concerns.

“These moves we’re estimating would save the organization [AS] in the neighborhood of $500,000,” Sicheneder said.

People gathered in spillover room provided for todays ASFC budgetary meeting. Photographed by Wyatt Alpert April 7.
Spillover room with large attendance for the discussion regarding the proposed budget including zero dollars to AO. Photographed by Wyatt Alpert April 7.

The decision by the ASFC and board of directors will determine whether AO will be able to continue providing these services to Chico State students or face closure. AO members are hoping that the committee will recognize the importance of the club and restore its funding.

“I found a community where I can be my genuine self. AO has taught me more than to paddle, its taught me confidence that I carry with me, I am inspired to learn more about conservation and outdoor recreation,” student Owen Boggeln said.

The final voting by the ASFC is slated for April 14, from there the board of directors will still have to approve the final budget.

Alejandro Zepeda, Wyatt Alpert and Mawil Mateo can be reached at