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Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

Chico State's independent student newspaper

The Orion

All content by Danielle Cortes
Photo credit: Jaime Munoz

Keep your mind active this summer

Danielle Cortes
May 15, 2018

It is almost officially summertime, meaning no more classes, homework assignments or group projects.But it is not a time to lose your brain activity because of lack of daily school work. Why not read a...

Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Letters to: Parents Back Home

Danielle Cortes
May 10, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,Hey folks, guess what? The semester is coming to an end and you know what that means… I am moving back for the summer!I wish I could stay here, to be honest. Don't take it personally,...

Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Blacking out is no joke

Danielle Cortes
May 7, 2018

Have you ever heard about or experienced a blackout? According to Duke University in a survey, almost 40 percent of students have blacked out. However, just because you go to Chico State with a reputation...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Letters to: People freaking out about finals

Danielle Cortes
May 2, 2018

Dear Wildcats, We are two weeks away from the most dreaded week of the semester: Finals week. Good news, that means the year is almost over and summer is just around the corner. But it also means...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Letters to: Someone who ghosted me

Danielle Cortes
April 23, 2018

Dear Someone who has ghosted me,Hey, there stranger, it’s me. I want to start my letter by telling you that, surprisingly, I do not hate you.But that doesn't mean I am going to talk to you, like...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Letters to: Past high school teachers

Danielle Cortes
April 20, 2018

Dear High School Teacher of my past, Hello, it's me! I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely right when you said, “high school is nothing like college, kids.” Late work is never...

Photo credit: Jaime Munoz

Associated Students elections are coming, it’s time to vote

Danielle Cortes
April 16, 2018

It's that time of year. Associated Students elections are on Wednesday and it's time to figure out who to vote for.A.S. Government Affairs at Chico State run an annual election that includes student officials...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Being a first-generation college student

Danielle Cortes
April 9, 2018

What does it mean to me to be a First Gen student?In middle school, I thought I had the capability to attend Harvard University, without any idea of how nearly impossible that was.I just did not understand...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Reliance on technology takes meaning away from real dating

Danielle Cortes
April 2, 2018

What does dating mean for our generation? I rarely even hear that word in a culture where hooking up is the norm. Dating is very complicated. These days, everybody seems to skip the whole cute dating...

Photo credit: Roberto Fonseca

Party culture does not condone sexual assault micro-aggressions

Danielle Cortes
April 1, 2018

Sexual assault is an ongoing issue prevalent on college campuses. The risks that increase these intolerable behaviors include drugs, alcohol and overall poor decisions. However, it should never be the...

Photo Credit: Diego Ramirez

Learn to live your best life with ‘The Four Agreements’

Danielle Cortes
March 24, 2018

Finally, warm weather is here and a lot of free time will be spent under the sun. With the bright weather and school starting up again after spring break, why not pick up a book and learn about your...

Too much technology can be damaging to your grades. Photo credit: Jaime Munoz

Dependency on technology distracts from real life

Danielle Cortes
March 15, 2018

You're checking your phone simply to see your assignment grade that was just posted on Blackboard, next thing you know your scrolling on your Twitter timeline for a good 45 minutes. Sound familiar?...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

How to flirt like a pro, build confidence

Danielle Cortes
March 11, 2018

Flirting can be a fun little game or, for some, it always just seems to be nothing more than a deathly embarrassing scenario. Unfortunately, you can't just go "accidentally" drop a stack of books in...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

How to deal with illness in college

Danielle Cortes
March 5, 2018

In college, health should always be your number one priority because it affects many things like our mood, productivity and overall well-being. According to an article published by EverydayHealth, "Living...

Photo credit: Jessica Johnson

Letters to: My future boyfriend

Danielle Cortes
February 26, 2018

Dear Future Boyfriend,We haven't met yet but I'm patient. Let’s hope we meet face-to-face and not on some dating app like Tinder. I want to meet my significant other the old-fashioned way.Let me...

Resident discovers bullet in closet after man shoots at window of home

Resident discovers bullet in closet after man shoots at window of home

Danielle Cortes
February 19, 2018

University Police Call Type: Vandalism Monday 6:50 p.m., Hazel Lot Damaged property was reported. Call Type: Petty Theft Tuesday 2:03 p.m., Whitney Hall Dormitory Misdemeanor charged...

Event coordinator, Brooke Kogima, smiles with her favorite donut. Photo credit: Danielle Cortes

Therapy dogs come to campus for Valentine’s Day

Danielle Cortes
February 16, 2018

The annual "Dogs and Donuts" event returned to give students a chance to unwind and pet dogs for Valentine's Day this week.The event took place on Wednesday in the Hub from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. All students...

Photo credit: Sean Martens

Association for science teachers offers students opportunities

Danielle Cortes
January 30, 2018

The National Science Teachers Association had its first meeting of the spring semester Monday.Mark Newton, Facility Advisor for the NSTA, led the meeting. Professors and students were welcome to join and...

The do’s and dont’s of holiday shopping

Danielle Cortes
December 12, 2017

It is the most wonderful time of the year. You know what that means! Everybody is finally home for the holidays, the family is back together, the cookies are in the oven, the lights up and the gifts are...

Letter to: my pet back home

Danielle Cortes
December 6, 2017

Dear Buddy,Long distance relationships are real difficult especially because there is no form of communication, besides the occasional FaceTime chats which don't even last too long and you most likely...

Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Cut the fees, please

Danielle Cortes
November 29, 2017

The price of overdue fees is ridiculous here at Chico State. Simply forgetting to return a book for one day can cost up to 50 dollars, and where is this money going? We need answers, as soon as possible. It...

Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Ways to give back this holiday season

Danielle Cortes
November 29, 2017

As the most wonderful time of the year quickly approaches, many of us are filled with joy and love. The holidays make us all happier and full of good spirits because the semester is finally almost over...

Photo credit: Jessica Johnson

Letter to: My future self

Danielle Cortes
November 15, 2017
Letters to: is a column dedicated to emulating the thoughts of Chico State students
Photo credit: Roberto Fonseca

How to know you’re from Chico State

Danielle Cortes
November 14, 2017

We all at some point have seen those funny and accurate starter pack memes while scrolling through social media. There are thousands of those memes, even accounts dedicated to solely posting various starter...

‘Out of towners’ are not welcome

Danielle Cortes
October 23, 2017

Chico State's party school reputation is common knowledge in California, but you can't experience Chico until you've partied here yourself. I mean, what else is there to do in a small town, populated by...

Photo credit: Briana Mcdaniel

Trump is destroying the work feminism has created

Danielle Cortes
October 17, 2017

It is the year of 2017, humans have been living for about 200,000 years. Every year, we are evolving and bettering our lives for the future. However, we still somehow find ourselves regressing. As a...

Solidarity Photo credit: Jessica Johnson

Queer week needs to go viral

Danielle Cortes
October 10, 2017

One of Chico’s core principles is valuing diversity. Around campus you may notice many encouraging depictions of what this means. For example, there are banners that display pictures of student and...

Basket of delicious groceries. Photo credit: Jessica Johnson

Grocery shopping tips for broke Chico State students.

Danielle Cortes
October 3, 2017

Who says you have to eat a 20 cent package of ramen noodles or drink a seven dollar bottle of Burnett's every weekend? Well, this is college. We understand that sometimes it's necessary.Good news, however....

Letters to: is a column dedicated to emulating the thoughts of Chico State students. Photo credit: Jessica Johnson

Letters to: My college professor

Danielle Cortes
September 27, 2017

Dear Professors : I made a note in my agenda to visit your office hours during the first week of the semester, to introduce myself and tell you how I wish to succeed in your class, but I most likely...

Advice Column: Ways to save money

Danielle Cortes
September 24, 2017

We're all just broke college students trying to make it in the real world. College is a huge investment. All of us know that by now. Not only are you paying for tuition, but you also have to pay for rent,...

Go Vegan

Go Vegan

Danielle Cortes
September 12, 2017

Since 2014, veganism has grown a whopping 500 percent just in the U.S alone, according to a report done by GlobalData. Veganism is very trendy amongst millennials right now. Many social media accounts...

Dorms vs Apartments Photo credit: Diego Ramirez

Pros and cons to living in a dorm vs an apartment

Danielle Cortes
August 27, 2017

If you're beginning your second year at Chico State, you're most likely experiencing the big move to your first apartment. Most of the time you're living with your closest friends whom you have met last...

Photo credit: Orion file photo

Long distance relationships don’t work in college

Danielle Cortes
August 22, 2017

Long distance relationships are difficult. Short distance relationships are difficult. All relationships are difficult. Even though there are those few rare couples who make it work, you are creating your...